
Sunday 2 September 2012

{My English Teacher}

This page is made for the new challenge over at Another Freaking Scrappy Challenge. The challenge is:

"September is back to school in North America – scrap about a teacher or someone who inspired you, believed in you, helped you in some way.  If you have a photo of them, use it.  If not place a photo of you or something else that is representative of how they inspired you."

I chose to scrap about my English teacher from way back in college. She encouraged and inspired me to (learn to) love the English language, the country, the people ... She could be so enthusiastic, especially about the English language and the English books. She brought us, her students, brand new books from her own collection and encouraged us to read them and sometimes she even gave them to us.

I clearly remember the very first "normal" English book I got from her: "The Thorn Birds" from Colleen McCullough. 14 Years old, I remember thinking that it had way too many pages and that there was no way I would be able to read that. But I was wrong. Once I started I couldn't stop and that was the beginning......

My love for English books only grew and as soon as I wasn't obliged to read Dutch books anymore I stopped reading those altogether. My bookcase is now filled with hundreds of English books and I also have a Kindle filled with English written books. There're almost no Dutch books in our house anymore ... gave those all away to a library. Hundreds of them!

It's a shame I don't have a photo of that English teacher that I can use on my page. Instead I made a few photos of my bookcase:

I used the HeyDay collection from Studio Callico for this page. 

If you want to see what the other designer made hop over to the blog of AFSC! If you decide to play with us this month you can win a word album by SEI!

This is it for today! Thanks for taking the time to visit my blog!


  1. Wat een leuk onderwerp om over te scrappen! Toevallig heb ik ook de laatste drie jaar een heel leuke docente Engels gehad. De meesten vonden haar te streng, maar ze heeft mij echt enthousiast gemaakt over de Engelse taal.

    Je lay-out is ook super geworden! Er zijn weer zoveel mooie details te zien!

  2. Oh love it! So many fun details!!

  3. Jammer dat ik toen een andere leraar had (Hilbert was ook leuk :-) maar door jou enthousiasme ben ik nu ook in een Engels boek bezig! Leuke kleuren zo dat oranje en beige!

  4. Hi Monique. Just wanted to call in to let you know how much I love your layout for the new challenge. So many interesting things to look at and admire on your page, and I love the negative die cuts! Arent they lovely!

  5. What a great story and a wonderful layout! I really love the little woman and girl cutouts. Perfect!

  6. Denk dat de lerares verguld zijn zijn als ze dit wist. Gaf gaaf gaaf is dit, Monique! Ik lees ook graag Engels, maar Nederlands net zo goed :) Ik herken de staples boeken, haha.
