
Monday 15 October 2012


It's Monday again!! Can you believe that? Where did the weekend go? I had such a great time these last few days, as I was having a weekend-away with 3 of my best friends. Every year we rent a little cottage in the woods about a 2,5 hours drive from here and there we have the best time ever. We scrap, shop, watch films, talk, laugh and eat a lot! I created 3 layouts, but before I show them to you I want to submit them for a call, so you'll have to wait a little. However, I do have a few fun photos of our weekend:

Our weekend home:

Some serious scrapping was done:

Having a real Englis Autumn Tea:

Being silly (my kids would be soooooo embarrassed if they saw this photo, LOL):

And then this morning it was Monday again ... Every morning when I wake up I reach for my iphone to check my email and you know what?????!!! Today I had such a HAPPY email in my inbox!! I can't tell you yet, but soon I will!

And then on a sadder note: by now you probably all know that the kit club I've been hanging out for the last 4 years closed down as of October 1st. No more "Nook". I'm so terribly sad about this. The girls I've got to know there have been my scrappy pals for years and I just hope we'll stay in touch,  but it will never be the same again.

Ever since I knew the Nook was closing down I've been looking for a new place to hang out and for now I think I've found it at the "Scraptastic Club". A few of the Nook girls have signed up there as well and some even joined the DT.

Every month they have two kits to choose from. For September I chose this one: "Just Beachy"

and the "Just Beachy" add-on:

And because the sketch challenge for Another Freaking Scrappy Challenge came up I decided to use this kit. So, although Fall has arrived I have a very summery layout to share with you, "On the Beach":

and a few close-ups:

and the sketch the layout is based upon: 

If you want to see what the other designers created (and it's really worth it to have a look!) or if you want to play too and use this awesome sketch then hope to the blog of "Another Freaking Scrappy Challenge"!! Hope to see you there! 

Now if you want to know more about the kits and forum of the "Scraptastic Club" have a look HERE!

Thanks for stopping by today and letting me share all this!

Big hug!


  1. Een hele mooie LO. Om vrolijk van te worden.

  2. Heerlijk zo'n scrapweekend:) En zo te zien hebben jullie een heel geslaagde tijd gehad samen!
    Je lay-out is prachtig! Zo mooi vrolijk met al die felle kleurtjes.

  3. Dat ziet er uit als een erg gezellig weekend !!!!
    Mooie layout ook. Heerlijk zomers nog ! Deze kit past ook helemaal bij jou vind ik :-)
    Groetjes Berdien

  4. What a wonderful weekend - sounds just like the one I had. LOL. Remind me to tell you about the "bunny" photos!!! LOL Glad you have found a new kit company to hang out with and hope you continue to keep in touch with all your bloggy pals.

  5. Wow Monique I just love this bright layout. Just stunning

  6. Het was een geweldig weekend, zou zo weer al mijn spullen pakken voor nog een weekend (of een week, of een maand.....)Foto's zijn zo leuk!! En je layout, als altijd, stunning!! xx

  7. MAMA! Wat is dat nou weer voor een gekke foto haha! Ik lach je heel hard uit nu >:)xx
