
Monday 1 October 2012

{ The Reunion }

I'm so happy with Anne's challenges for "Another Freaking Scrappy Challenge", you know why? Because she always chooses subjects to scrap about I would never think of myself! If it was left to me, I would scrap about my kids, my kids and ... oh yeah: about my kids! But no, not Anne!

The new challenge for October 1st is: "Scrap about a high school reunion or a memory of your time in high school".

I'm so happy with this subject. I had the best time ever in high school. I hung around with a great group of friends (of which many are still my friends), we partied a lot and went on many outings together. Then in 2001 we had a high school reunion and the few friends I had lost sight of I found again! and we've been close ever since!! One of them is now one of my best scrappy friends! (You can find her blog here.).

Here's what I made:

Some close-ups:

For this page I used the November 2011 papercrafting kit from Jenni Bowlin and a few items of my own stash. The November kit was filled with the collection "Red Black Extension IV" (school related papers) - LOVE it!! (So happy I saved it for the perfect photos!)

And did you see the "photo frame"?? Another scrappy friend of mine "Danielle" (whom I met through the message board of My Scrapbook Nook) showed me - irl - how the Silhouette Cameo works. And you know what I did today??? I ordered a Cameo too!!! Wohoo!! Can't wait for it to arrive! I decided to book myself straight away into Studio Calico's "Cut it Out"! and Danielle is joining me! We'll have so much fun!

Now, if you feel inspired by my blogpost and feel like scrapping about your high school period, why not join us at "AFSC"?? You can find the link here. I would love you to! 

Thanks for stopping by and hope to see you back soon!!


  1. Love this layout! The colors, embellishments, all the details! :) And you'll LOVE your Cameo, I've had mine almost a year, and LOVE it! :)

  2. Hee, wat een bekende foto! Wat leuk Monique en ja, heel fijn dat we elkaar weer tegen kwamen op die reünie. Je hebt er weer een mooie lo van gemaakt en die fotoframes zijn super.

  3. Ja, dat was leuk hè, al die bekende gezichten weer te zien.

  4. Wat een ontzettend mooie LO! en wat ook een superleuk onderwerp om te scrappen!! Groetjes,Brenda

  5. Gaaf is je nieuwe blog layout!! Veel mooier dan eerst!
    Je LO is ook weer helemaal top! Al die laagjes, zo leuk!!

  6. Awesome Monique and go you on the cameo. :)

  7. Wat een leuk onderwerp om over te scrappen! Ik heb over 3 jaar mijn eerste reünie van de middelbare school en ben nu al heel benieuwd hoe het met iedereen gaat.
    Het is een hele mooie lay-out! Gaaf, die collagelook! En je nieuwe blog achtergrond en banner zijn trouwens ook heel gaaf!

  8. I think this is my new favourite layout of yours. It really is so striking and fabulous. Yes,-of course I noticed the frame and the fabulous texture.I love it! I was planning on buying a Cameo too, actually yesterday at a scrap fair. Last time they sold them there, but unfortunately this time ; no Cameos. I will check out a little online about prices etc. Someone told me of a good shop in Holland actually.... I am sure you and Danielle will have a great time with that class. I actually had a lovely day on Sunday meeting up with some of the Nook girls at the fair! Take care!

  9. Zo veel te zien op deze layout, heel mooi. De lijn die je hebt gebruikt is geweldig. Anne maakt zeker dat je buiten de box gaat denken!

  10. Wat leuk en zeker een leuk onderwerp. Wat goed dat je die foto nog kon vinden trouwens :-)
    Heel leuke lo geworden! Groetjes, Stefanie

  11. Wat super gaaf! Leuke vintage papiertjes en embellies! En leuk hoe je die polaroid frame hebt gebruikt :-)

    1. Wow! These colors are simply Fab!!! Really amazing page!!!

  12. Gave lo en super je blog zo!
