
Tuesday 1 January 2013

New Year's Resolutions!

January first .... it has such a promising ring to it. The beginning of something new ... What will this year bring? I can't wait to find out! I have lots of wishes; for my family, for you, for me, but the most important wish I have for 2013 is that everyone stays safe and healthy. I think we can overcome everything else, as long as we have each other there isn't much else we need or can't do!

Having said that I want to thank ALL of you for being there this last year. I'm so grateful for having you in my life, it wouldn't have been such an awesome year without you!! and therefore I want to wish you all a very happy, but above all, HEALTHY 2013!!!

And now on to the very first challenge for 2013 and that's this one at Another Freaking Scrappy ChallengeWhat will be your new year's resolution this year, or scrap about your resolution another year. Were you successful? Would you do it again?? Or what do you wish you could resolve and stick to???

and this is what I did with it:

I used October Afternoon's "Holiday Style" collection plus some things I had lying on my desk.

The journaling is about how I tend to forget my New Year's resolutions as soon as January 2nd arrives and that it is really no use making them. However, I decided once again on this one resolution "stop procrastinating" and just DO! This has been my resolution for years on end, but I know I'm still the queen of procrastinating ... but who knows? maybe this year will different!

If you want to see what the other designers did with this challenge then hop on over to AFSC! and even better, join us and scrap about your resolutions too and link up your page to win some goodies from Scrapbook Fantasies or to become our new guest designer!!

Thanks for stopping by and above all, thank you for your comments! They are much appreciated!


  1. Ook voor jou een heel gelukkig 2013 samen met jouw gezin !! En het verhaal van jouw prachtige layout is zooo herkenbaar.
    Groetjes Berdien

  2. Love the layout. "Just do it" is what I say all the time - my friends here laugh at me. :) I don't make resolutions either. LOL

  3. Love the reflection photo!

  4. Gelijk heb je: goede voornemens zijn er vaak om verbroken te worden. Dus kun je maar beter op het moment zelf iets doen in plaats van je het op 1 januari voor te nemen.
    Je lay-out is supermooi! Wat een gave foto ook!
    Ik wens jullie een fantastisch 2013!

  5. Monique, ook voor jou de allerbeste wensen voor het nieuwe jaar, dat we maar weer veel mogen scrappen!
    Ik vind je layout helemaal leuk - wat is dat papier toch ook geweldig he!! en die voornemens, ach ik doe er ook niet meer aan hoor, we weten vaak toch wel wat er van zal komen....

  6. Just love this page - awesome stuff.

  7. This turned out great. Love it!

  8. Geweldig. En wat is die foto goed gelukt. Ik heb het ook een keer gedaan, maar met bruine ballen komt het niet zo mooi uit als bij jou. Top.
