Friday, 2 January 2009

New Year's Resolutions

Did I mention what my resolutions are for 2009? No, I don't think so. I'm not normally one to make New Year's resolutions, but on 31st of December at 11.15 p.m., when everyone was busy, but me, I looked at the clock and found myself thinking about the comming year and what it might bring..... I started to wonder what my resolutions would be if I were to make them (I'm not making myself very clear, am I?).

And I came up with these goals and resolutions (I better write them down otherwise I'll never stick to them, LOL!):

  1. Find a job as a HR Advisor again; after 4 years of being a SAHM I look forward to a "real" job again!! and yes, I'll miss the time I spent with just Mats (especially our little morning routines), but as he's going to school anyway, the time has come to return to "normal" life again.
  2. Try to become a member of a Design Team of a scrapbooking (sketches) site (preferably internationally) and because I love sketches, I already submitted layouts to two sketch sites! (one I've told you about a few posts earlier and the other one I'll tell you later in this post).

    and then usual resolutions:
  3. Be more patient with the kids!
  4. Stop feeling guilty when I'm not the perfect mother/wife/friend/neighbour/employee....I think I should be....
  5. Be more aware of the "little" things...
  6. Watch my weight.....
  7. Be more economical with money....
  8. Don't think but DO!!
  9. Find more time for me (to travel, read, scrap, etc.)!!

I just mentioned that I applied for another design team. This time I sent 2 layouts to "So Sketchy!". Ally has some wonderful sketches on her site and I would be thrilled to become a member of the team....

These are the layouts I submitted:
sketch #10

sketch #14

Hope these layouts are good enough! I have to wait until the 14th of January to find out and I have to wait even longer for "Little Shop of Sketches": until 4th of February! But wouldn't it be just wonderful if one of my resolutions would come true straight away?? Keeping my fingers crossed!

And YOU?? Did you make any New Year's resolutions???????



  1. No resolutions for me this year - can't be bothered but do have a couple of little things in mind that I would like to achieve (more like goals really). Good luck with your job hunting and also for the sketches - will be keeping fingers crossed for you on them both.

  2. Voor mij geen goede voornemens, ik ga gewoon lekker genieten van het nieuwe jaar en vooral lekker veel scrappen!
    Succes met je inzendingen voor een DT, hoop dat het je gaat lukken, aan de LO's ligt het niet!

  3. No resolutions here, I always brake them anyway!

    Love your interpretations of the sketches!!!

  4. mmmm... not so many as you have but there are a few in your list that could be mine!
    the loose weight is one, and scrap more is two!


  5. He wat een leuke layouts heb je gemaakt. Super! En wat een lijst met voornemens! Voordeel is dan wel dat er misschien altijd wel 1 of 2 gaan lukken.... succes he!
    groetjes, Stefanie
