Friday, 27 March 2009
Sneak Peak sketch #34 LSS
Wednesday, 25 March 2009
Challenge bij SBN
Monday, 23 March 2009
Timothy's A tot Z
A= Amerika
D = DS
G = Gat in de luchtI = Ik
S = Schaatsen
Thursday, 19 March 2009
Queen's Challenge #2
I made this layout for Tanya's "Queen's Challenge #2". You had to use solely the colours pink, black and white, furthermore some bling and the word "pink" in the title (guess what Tanya's favorite colour is...). As Manon loves pink, choosing a photo wasn't too difficult!
If you want to participate too, you have until Sunday to upload your entry!
Wednesday, 18 March 2009
Wednesday, LSS day
Monday, 16 March 2009
New Nook Kit and Layout

TFL! and have a nice day!
Wednesday, 11 March 2009
Another layout for Zarah's Sketches

Monday, 9 March 2009
Mini Album
Sunday, 8 March 2009
Good times and (very) bad times...
As for good times, there are lots of those too of course and I really try to notice and enjoy them. (The kids are very good at present and I hope that will last forever!)
An example of what made me smile the other day was Helen's reaction to my "Queen's challenge" post. Here's what she said: "You are my scrappy inspiration right now...Incredibly pretty layout". Thank you Helen, that means a lot to me!!!
And Jessica's remark at my last post was also so very nice: "Once again, it's an awesome layout! I love the layering and the detail. You are truly becoming more and more of an inspiration! Are you the Monique from the Netherlands that provided Prima photos for their blog? It made me instantly think of you." Thank you Jessica for thinking I'm good enough for Prima!! No, it wasn't me, but your question made my day!
And what I haven't shown you yet (well, I did show it on the Stampin' Scrap forum) is this mini album Mieke made for me:

This is it for now. I just want to finish with wishing Elske a lot of strengh and good luck, because she too has a lot of bad times to cope with...
Thank you all for the kind things you said, for the super nice cards you've sent me and for everything else I'm forgetting to mention right now.
En mam, als je dit leest: IK HOU VAN JE!!
Friday, 6 March 2009
Nieuwe sketch bij Little Shop of Sketches!
Dit is de schets met daaronder mijn "vertaling". Hoop dat je 'm leuk vindt!

Thursday, 5 March 2009
New layout!
This is the layout I created for Yvette's "layers, layers, layers" challenge on the Stampin' Scrap forum. You had to create a layout using: layers (at least 5), summery colours, a tree and a critter. I had these photos printed and wanted to scrap them for ages! I'm so glad that I finally did just that!
Used the new American Crafts pp "Craft Fair".
Furthermore, I received another award from Vicki!
In getting this award there are some rules: I have to say one nice thing about the man in my life. Well that is not too difficult: Patrick is the most patient and caring man in the world and just "gets" me (he kind of understands all my do's and don'ts) and besides this he's the perfect father to our children, I couldn't wish for a better man! Thanks Pat!
And now I have to list six ways I measure my success in my life. This, I find much more difficult, because how do you measure success?? and when you asked me this question 10 years ago, the answer would have been totally different, but I'll give it a shot: being happy, being healthy, having a fab husband and raising happy children, having wonderful friends, being able to have a job (or at the moment, being able not to have work) and last but not least being able to be busy with my hobbies (scrapping, reading, walking, dancing).
I have to pass this award on and I choose: Mieke!!
Thanks for reading my post and please feel free to comment on it!