I already showed you a sneak peak and now I can finally show you the whole layout! But first things first.... the new sketch from Liz! Isn't it fabulous!!?

I just loved working with this sketch!! If you want to make a layout around it too, please don't forget to link it to the
The Scrappiest blog!! Maybe you'll win a $ 20,- gift certificate from "Your Scrapbook Stash"!!
And now my layout! I made it with the papers I got from Mieke last Saturday: Nikki Sivils U R My Favorite!!!

And the close ups:

And now I'm off to the kitchen! It's 5.30 pm and I have to start making dinner... the kids' grandpa will be here any minute and I don't want to let him wait!
Thanks for visiting my blog and see you soon!
Hugs, Monique
Supermooi zoals je dit papier gebruikt hebt...het is een heel gaaf lootje!